Is it possible to add other derivatives, ex: Interest Rate Swap, Options, besides Futures into the protocol?

Yes, the protocol is designed to be extended with different AMMs.

Are Liquidity Reserve and Insurance fund shared by all AMMs? or does each AMM have its own Liquidity Reserve and Insurance Fund?

Yes, the Liquidity Reserve and Insurance Fund are shared by all AMMs.

What's the risk of being stakers?

In Perpetual Futures Swap, there are several events that might cause losses from the stakers:

  1. Negative Funding Rate

    The positions that AMM hold would need to pay or receive funding rate at the funding time (every hour). The sum of the paid/received funding rate should be even out in the long run, but it might cause a loss from the stakers in a short period of time frame.

  2. Liquidation Clawback

    Keepers might not be able to liquidate under-collateralized assets in time when price fluctuated a lot, and it might cause a loss from stakers.

These losses would be compensated by the spread charged from traders and Insurance Fund.

As a side note, the unbalance of AMM's inventory (long and short positions) would not affect the PnL of stakers because the AMM would always hold the 100% collateral of the unbalanced positions.

What's the main difference between Synthetix and Strike?


Basically, we fixed most of the Synthetix problems detailed here (front-running, skew of the debt pool, oracle, snapshotting attack):

Synthetix - the battlefield

What's the main difference between FutureSwap and Strike?

  1. FutureSwap is a margin trading exchange, not a futures exchange.
    1. FutureSwap uses a continuous spot price feed from Oracle while Strike uses TWAP price from Oracle every hour.
    2. The underlying assets of FutureSwap are ERC-20 tokens only, which means it's impossible to have BTC, XRP, or other non-ERC-20 contracts on FutureSwap.
  2. Strike has a native ERC-20 token and Balancer Fund to incentivize early stakers and bootstrap liquidity in the beginning.
    1. Each AMM in FutureSwap needs and individual Liquidity Pool, while AMMs in Strike share the same pool.
    2. Because of shared Liquidity Reserve in Strike, collateral fund utilization rate is higher and it's more capital efficient.

How do you make sure the Oracle is secured?

Strike will use 3rd-party oracle solutions like ChainLink, Witnet, Tellor or others on the first release.